Core Service Areas:
Assist programs that advance the quality and relevance of education in the African context, with a focus on academic, human, productive and technical skills. Include the following:
- Competency-based curriculum development.
- Youth development, leadership and life skills training.
- Special emphasis on the education of girls and women.
Water Supply
Enhance access by urban and rural populations to clean drinking water. Assist with projects that:
- Build and rehabilitate water wells; communal tap-water systems ; install solar powered pumping systems.
- Household sanitation education programs that prevent recontamination of drinking water.
- Train village water committees on how to use and maintain the wells and pumps.
- Train villagers on hygiene and sanitation.

Assist programs that work to ensure reliable power supply to rural and urban populations. The focus is on energy access, installed electricity generation capacity, and overall electric power consumption. Support will include the following:
New photovoltaic panels or “micro-grids” and thermal technologies.
Health and Hygiene
Assist initiatives that enhance rural and urban health care facilities and capacities; provide training to health professionals; promote access to health care services, including effective prevention of diseases.
Cultural Preservation
We respect the diversity of value systems and will assist efforts that encourage a strong sense of self-identity through culture, including oral history research, cultural heritage beliefs, cultural landscapes, institutions, popular theater, cultural and symbolic systems.
Economic Empowerment
Support initiatives that empower women, men and youths, including vocational skills training and life skills training; promote equal access and control of economic assets; and enhance entrepreneurial capacities of all groups so they can succeed as leaders in business and trade.
Appropriate Technology Transfer
Understand that each country has a different development constraint and as such may not be a suitable recipient for the same technology. Where technology is deemed appropriate, there must be a corresponding level of skills for utilizing it. To this end, we support efforts that introduce appropriate and affordable technology into rural areas.
Farm-to- Market Programs
Support initiatives that develop and sustain rural marketplaces; strengthen farmer-to- market linkages, including good roads that facilitate transportation of goods from rural to urban centers; assist farmer organizations to be more productive; promote agricultural trade in domestic, regional, and international markets; improve food security; and increase the capacity of associations, cooperatives, private enterprises, and nongovernmental organizations.